Gajar ka Halwa - The Sweetness of Mom's Hand

Gajar ka Halwa - The Sweetness of Mom's Hand

Gajar ka Halwa

There are lot of food items which we used to get in particular season only and I am here today to share you about one of the best Indian Dessert made up of nutritional carrot which is mostly loved by young children to elder people. It looks like saffron dessert pudding & have delicious sweet taste. It feels very calm as we ate first bite with numerous sensational feelings in our taste buds. Yep, I think you all know about nutritional Carrots Halwa {Gajar ka Halwa}.

Since it is the seasonal dessert in India subcontinent, specialty of this Gajar ka Halwa is mostly felt delicious when you taste it slightly hot usually in cold weather. This combination of hot and cold makes your day fresh and energetic. 

Gajar ka Halwa

You might think, now-a-days why it is available in every season? Thus it provide two varieties as orange and reddish carrot. The taste of fresh reddish carrots are much better & those of orange colour carrot will not give you that delicious taste. 

History & Origin: -

Halwa is the word which was basically introduced during the phase of Mughals emperor, where they used to refer "Halwa" as a dessert or sweet dish. Also, do you know? "Halwa" is an Arabic word which means sweet.

You all know about "Health Conscious". It is the term of 21st Century but it's actually since mediaeval age. During that time, people were suffering from diseases like Night Blindness, Delayed Growth, Throat infection which were caused due to deficiency of Vitamin A. Of course, Carrot (Gajar) are the great source of Vitamin A as well as immunity booster. Thus, mediaeval people used to have it in daily diet as dessert. 

Gajar ka Halwa

In Arabic countries, today also it is the most loved street food which they used to eat with Khoya Paratha as a side dish.

Gajar ka Halwa Recipe: -

People used to make Gajar ka Halwa with the same typical Gajar ka Halwa Recipe. 

Traditional Method - 

Carrots are shredded thoroughly & then it is sauted with Ghee/Butter and some dry fruits for delicious taste.

Mr. Oxymoron Method -

1) Peel the carrots skin & chop them into small pieces of 1 - 1.5 inches each.

2) Put them in pressure cooker with 3-4 teaspoon of ghee for 8-10 minutes.(Don't add water in cooker)

This let the carrots boil with the aroma of ghee.

3) After 10 minutes, smash them with smasher and pour some milk & sugar in it.

4) Stir it well until it get quite solidified then add drt fruits on it.

Hope you all loved Gajar ka Halwa Recipe. Do let me know your feeling & sweet moments attached with Gajar Halwa, write it down in comment section.

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  1. One of the best Indian sweet dish.. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  2. Mu me pani aa gya πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
